Benjamin Wang

Bamboo Craftsman

“What is craftsmanship? Craftsmanship is the precipitation of the creator’s life and the realization of a vision through handicraft, eventually developing into the foundation of cultural heritage.”

Benjamin Wang majored in Landscape Architecture and is currently working in Taiwan’s National Museum of History. He acquired the skill of bamboo weaving from the indigenous Taiwanese when he was a forest administrator in 2013, and persisted to this day with his love of nature, history, culture and craftsmanship. Since 2015, he has been traveling to learn various types of bamboo art and soon established “Xia Zhu Wei Bamboo Workshop”.

To him, bamboo weaving derives from the local culture and is the art of life. He hopes to incorporate such craftsmanship into everyday life and encourage more people to appreciate bamboo crafts in Taiwan.

The Process

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